A Raw Vegan Diet Plan and Its Role in Reducing Arthritis Pain

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A raw vegan diet plan could possibly be a very helpful solution to reducing arthritic joint pain. Millions of people have been suffering from arthritis joint pain with no relief. Many are taking pain relievers that have powerful side effects. Furthermore, it's not fun to suffer from any type of joint pain, it can change your life. Maybe you are having problems picking up your grandchild or even opening a bottle of water. A natural solution to reducing your pain would be beneficial.

Studies have shown that arthritis and osteoarthritis sufferers had reduced pain after switching to a plant-based diet. This makes perfect sense, certain non-vegan foods can cause inflammation, whereas raw plant-based diets have been proven to reduce inflammation. For example, processed carbohydrates, as well as sugary foods can cause inflammation. Avoiding these foods all together can possibly reduce your pain level. Let's take a look at some raw plants that you can add to your raw diet plan to help try and reduce your pain.

Try Adding These Plants to your Vegan Raw Diet Plan


Raw Diet Plan - GingerGinger has anti-inflammatory properties that have been shown to reduce pain, much the same way ibuprofen or aspirin does. Related to this, the results of a study conducted at the University of Miami showed that the subjects who consumed a high concentration of ginger during the trial period, had a 40 percent decrease in joint pain, compared to the placebo group. That's a big percentage and shows that it would be wise to add it to your raw diet plan if you are experiencing arthritis pain. Therefore, maybe you should try a pinch of ginger on your raw vegetables, or add some to your raw juice.


You may not have heard of turmeric, but it is actually used in traditional mustard to give it a yellow color? So you may have consumed it without knowing! Like ginger, it contains anti-inflammatory agents that may aid in reducing joint pain. Try sprinkling some turmeric on your salads for a unique taste.


Adding this plant to your raw diet plan would be very beneficial to your health. Not only could it possibly reduce your arthritis joint pain, but it can help strengthen your immune system. Additionally, broccoli contains sulforaphane which might block enzymes that cause joint destruction. Broccoli also contains vitamin K, which affects bone health in a positive way. Broccoli is very easy to add to your raw diet plan, it seems to go with most dishes.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain beta-cryptoxanthin and this particular element may reduce your risk of developing inflammatory issues such as arthritis. This plant seems to be a popular item at vegan cafes, and for good reason!

Ready to Take Control of Your Health?

We offer a program where we challenge you to eat plant-based foods for 21 days. Check out our 21-day health boost program!

If you are considering taking a healthier approach to your food preparation, you have come to the right place. Check out our Living Raw Food Made Easy course.

If you want to take your raw food journey to a more advanced level, consider our Raw Food Culinary Course.