Lesnar Reigns Again Summerslam Tired Brooklyn Will Shit

WWE SummerSlam Results 8/19/18
WWE SummerSlam Results
August 19, 2018
Brooklyn, New York
Results by: Adam Martin of Wrestleview.com

A video package runs narrated by actor Terry Crews.

Nosotros become alive within the Barclays Center. The fancy 3-D graphics are back.

Dean Ambrose is out offset to kicking off the bear witness this evening. Large reaction in Brooklyn!

WWE Intercontinental Championship
Dolph Ziggler (c) w/ Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins due west/ Dean Ambrose

Early pinfall endeavour by Rollins on Ziggler. Rollins with a big hip toss. Ziggler bails a few times to the exterior early in the friction match to regroup. Rollins catches Ziggler with a right hand from the band apron, only Ziggler responds with a big kick to the articulatio genus and swinging neckbreaker combo. Ziggler continues to focus on the articulatio genus of Rollins. Ziggler launches Rollins in the corner and Rollins takes a hard bump over the ring apron on the way down. Ziggler with a headlock applied that keeps Rollins grounded. Ziggler is yelling at the referee to ask Rollins. Ziggler launches Rollins over the top rope and Rollins lands with a thud. Rollins is back in, has Ziggler up in a vertical suplex, drops Ziggler over the ropes and Rollins flips backwards over the ropes to the floor. Ziggler crotches Rollins on the pinnacle turnbuckle. Rollins with a headbutt to knock Ziggler downwardly. Ziggler goes to bond, but Rollins clotheslines him over the top rope and connects with a suicide dive. Rollins with a springboard flying clothesline and high articulatio genus to Ziggler for a two count. Rollins rolls out of a sleeper effort by Ziggler. Ziggler with a big Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane to Rollins over the ring apron. Rollins is able to beat the ten count – simply barely – equally Ziggler immediately throws rights. Rollins avoids a Zig Zag and connects with a superkick. Rollins jumps off the top rope attempting a frog splash, simply Ziggler gets his knees up. Rollins finds a way to kicking out. Rollins avoids a Fameasser attempt. Rollins with an inverted superplex off the height turnbuckle on Ziggler! Rollins hangs on and finishes it off dropping Ziggler with a modified sidewalk slam for a two count. Huge ovation from the crowd for that spot. Rollins is fired up. At ringside, McIntyre sends Ambrose into the steel steps. Zig Zag on Rollins. Rollins kicks out! Rollins is busted open. Series of roll up attempts. Rollins with the buckle bomb to Ziggler. Ambrose pulls McIntyre off the apron and hits Dirty Deeds on the floor. Rollins with a superkick to Ziggler. Rollins with the Curb Stomp and gets the pinfall for the win.

Winner and new WWE IC Champion: Seth Rollins

Backstage, Renee Young is with The Bella Twins. Young asks them nearly the first ever all-women's Evolution PPV. Nikki says they are focused on outside projects. Brie interrupts Nikki putting over shows like Total Bellas and Total Divas getting renewed. Nikki says they are hither to accept fun and watch Ronda Rousey get the new RAW Women's Champion. She adds they will be front row tonight to watch Ronda make history.

Smackdown Tag Squad Championships
The Bludgeon Brothers (c's) vs. The New Day

Big East and Xavier Forest will represent The New 24-hour interval tonight.

Nosotros start with Rowan leveling Xavier Woods early and tagging in Harper. Harper with a boot and applies a headlock to keep Woods on the mat. Rowan with a splash over Forest after getting a quick tag from Harper. Rowan with a pump handle lift into a bonebreaker over his knee on Woods. Tag to Harper who senton splashes in over Woods. On the outside, Rowan scoop slams Harper over Big E. Rowan tosses Woods out of the ring and grabs the bottom part of the steel steps. Woods counters driving Harper face showtime down in the steel steps. Large Eastward kicks Rowan away and and so gives him a belly to belly on the floor. Big E catches Harper and does the same to him! Large E is now legal and gives Harper a belly to abdomen within the band. Big East with a big splash over Harper. Harper with a sitdown slam on Large E. Tag to Rowan. Big Due east sends Rowan shoulder starting time into the post, merely Harper catches Big Eastward. Woods leaps over the elevation rope taking out Rowan. Harper with a sidewalk slam on Woods over the flooring. Big E with his spear through the ropes on Harper! Rowan off the frock taking out Big E. Harper gets the tag. The Bludgeon Brothers establish Big E with a crucifix bomb. Woods breaks information technology up. Woods kicks Rowan in the confront, gets the tag and kicks Harper in the face. Woods goes for a Ddt on Harper, but Harper counters and headbutts Woods. Harper with his powerful sitdown powerbomb on Woods for a shut ii count. Rowan with a dorsum body drop on Kofi Kingston. Big E with the Big Ending to Rowan on the floor. Forest tags in Large E, eats a boot from Harper and Harper superkicks Large Eastward. Large East plants Harper over the knee of Woods who jumped upwards about the ring frock. Woods has the tag and goes upwardly top. Harper rolls out. Wood with a flying elbow over Harper to the floor! Back inside, Large E has Harper on his shoulder. Woods goes up tiptop. Harper knocks Woods off the top rope using his mallet. Harper hits Big Eastward with the mallet and the referee immediately calls for the bell.

Winners via DQ: The New Day
Winners and still Smackdown Tag Team Champions: The Bludgeon Brothers

Afterward the match, Harper grabs the mallet and hits Big E with it.

Jon Stewart was shown at ringside.

If Strowman loses, he gives up his MITB Briefcase
Braun Strowman vs. Kevin Owens

Strowman with two corner splashes to Owens early. Owens bails to endeavour and recover. Strowman jumps out, sprints and levels Owens with a big shoulder block! Strowman connects with a second shoulder cake to Owens on the floor. Owens catches Strowman with a superkick on the outside. Strowman brushes it off and chokeslams Owens over the steel entrance ramp! Back inside, Strowman hits the running powerslam for the win.

Winner: Braun Strowman

Smackdown Women's Championship
Triple Threat Match
Carmella (c) vs. Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair

Carmella catches Charlotte with a kicking early. Becky drops a leg and elbow over Carmella. Carmella with a slap to the back of Becky's neck. Carmella drops down to make Becky call back that Charlotte did it. Becky and Charlotte start to argue. Series of pinfall attempts betwixt Becky and Charlotte. Carmella sends Charlotte face up first into the ring mail service on the outside and sends Becky into the steel steps likewise. Carmella slaps Becky around back inside the ring. Carmella pulls Charlotte down by her pilus countering a scoop slam attempt. Charlotte takes out Becky with a big boot when she appeared to be aiming for Carmella. Charlotte with big chops to Carmella. Charlotte with repeated overhead suplexes and follows it upwards with a belly to back suplex on Carmella. Becky with a double dropkick off the superlative turnbuckle on Carmella and Charlotte. Becky with clotheslines to Charlotte. Becky with an exploder to Carmella. Carmella with a flip up huricanrana on Becky for a 2 count. Charlotte catches Carmella with a spear for a two count. Charlotte counters a huricanrana attempt by Carmella and drops her in a modified Styles Clash. Charlotte has Carmella in a Boston Crab. Charlotte gets the Figure Four locked in on Carmella. Becky jumps off the top rope dropping a leg over Charlotte. Carmella breaks upwards the pinfall attempt. Carmella with a knee sending Becky to the outside. Carmella with a suicide dive through the ropes catching Becky. Charlotte with a moonsault off the top rope taking out Becky and Carmella on the floor. Dorsum within, Becky has the armbar locked on Charlotte. Carmella breaks it up. Becky tosses Carmella out. Becky plants Charlotte and Carmella breaks it up again. Carmella tries to utilise the ropes with a gyre up, simply Becky kicks out. Carmella drops Becky with a superkick. Charlotte breaks information technology up. Becky has Carmella down in the armbar. Carmella gets to the bottom rope. Becky with an exploder to Carmella and back to the armbar. Charlotte with a Natural Choice on Becky, hooks the leg and picks upwards the pinfall.

Winner and new Smackdown Women'due south Champion: Charlotte Flair

After the match, Charlotte Flair embraces a clearly upset Becky Lynch. Becky hugs Charlotte, just then decks Charlotte and begins attacking her! The crowd in Brooklyn is cheering loudly for Becky. Loud "BECKY!" chants at the Barclays Middle. Becky tosses Charlotte over the denote table and heads to the back. The crowd in Brooklyn starts a loud "YOU DESERVE It" chant every bit we meet Charlotte crying at ringside.

WWE Championship
AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe

We become band introductions for the challenger Samoa Joe and champion AJ Styles. Joe cuts off Styles' introduction to point out AJ's wife and daughter at ringside.

The bong rings and hither we go. Styles avoids a big kicking from Joe early. Loud "TNA" chant inside the Barclays Middle. Styles is working a headlock on Joe repeatedly. Joe with a large shoulder block that levels Styles. Styles lands a big leg kick on Joe. Joe with big strikes backing Styles to the corner and a leg kick that drops Styles. Styles with chops and catches Joe with his big dropkick. Styles with a snapmare and kick to the back combo. Styles with a dropkick through the ropes to Joe. Joe takes out the leg of Styles on the ring apron. Styles face bounces off the announce table when Joe moves out of the way. Joe levels Styles with a big clothesline. Joe keeps Styles grounded in a headlock to slow things down. Styles with a diving forearm over the top rope catching Joe. Styles catches Joe with a kick to the caput, blocking a swoop through the ropes. Styles with body shots and a big clothesline. Styles with his corner springboard inverted DDT for a two count. Joe headbutts Styles in the face and connects with a flying human knee off the corner! Joe with an inverted diminutive drop and splash over Styles for another ii count. Styles drops Joe over his human knee and clutches it. Joe with a snap powerslam on Styles. Styles with a superkick and Styles Clash on Joe! Joe gets a shoulder upwards later on two. Styles with elbows and body shots. Styles with the Pele Boot. Joe plants Styles in the corner. Joe is billowy the caput of Styles off the mat. Joe has the Coquina Clutch locked in. Styles gets a foot on the bottom rope to suspension it upwards. Joe has Styles up on the top turnbuckle. Joe with a HUGE kick that sends Styles flight off the tiptop rope. Joe and so sends Styles into the steel steps. Styles is busted open as Joe gets on the mic and says he can exist the "new" daddy for AJ'south wife and daughter. Styles runs and tackles Joe off the denote tabular array. Styles is going crazy as he decks WWE staff at ringside. Styles grabs a steel chair and starts striking Joe with it every bit the referee calls for the bell.

Winner via DQ: Samoa Joe
Still WWE Champion: AJ Styles

After the match, Styles once again cracks the steel chair over the back of Joe as more WWE officials run out to break it up. We see Styles looking over at his married woman and daughter. Styles walks over and hugs them both. Styles heads to the dorsum with his family unit and title.

Elias Live in Brooklyn

We return to come across Elias at the top of the stage with his guitar. He talks near writing a song that would brand the entire globe love him. Elias wants to boot off his concert tonight by debuting his new and mayhap greatest vocal yet.

He wants to dedicate this song to all the New Yorkers tonight "considering the filth that usually plagues your ears, the dirt normally in your mind and the harsh reality of being a disgusting New Yorker is all about to be washed away."

Elias goes to play his guitar and it breaks. Brooklyn shares a loud "Y'all F*CKED Upwardly" dirge as Elias gives a blank stare. An upset Elias kicks away his chair and launches his guitar at the stage. The stage goes black and it appears that is ally we are going to get.

Backstage, nosotros see The Miz walking to the loonshit when RAW Tag Squad Champions The B-Team prove up grin. Miz says if Daniel Bryan followed his advice and then he would be successful simply like they are now. He promises he volition beat Bryan tonight. Miz says they can "fetch" his limo afterwards tonight for old times sake. Bo Dallas says they aren't The Miztourage anymore and the "B" stands for Daniel Bryan. Miz is very dislocated by them.

Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz

Maryse is at ringside this night with Baby Miz.

The bong rings and Bryan already has a fist upward smiling walking towards Miz. Miz backs up in the corner and the referee backs off Bryan. Miz with a big left and throws more shots at Bryan in the corner. Bryan with correct easily to Miz backing him to the corner. Bryan with big body kicks, but Miz counters getting a headlock applied. Bryan catches Miz with a bulldog. Bryan with jabs to the jaw of Miz. Miz catches Bryan with a knee joint to slow it downward. Bryan with kicks to the leg of Miz. Bryan gets the surfboard submission applied. Bryan is hanging over the pinnacle rope and Miz catches him with a jumping clothesline. Miz goes back to a headlock and throws knees at the head of Bryan. Bryan with large chops to Miz. Miz with big left hands to Bryan. Bryan with rights backing up Miz. Bryan with his jumping clothesline off the ropes communicable Miz. Bryan with repeated dropkicks in the corner to Miz. Bryan with kicks to the breast of Miz. Bryan props Miz upwardly on the top turnbuckle and connects with a snap huricanrana that results in a ii count off a pinfall attempt. Bryan dumps Miz over the top rope and connects with a dropkick through the ropes. Bryan launches himself out of the ring and catches Miz. Miz crotches Bryan up on the superlative turnbuckle. Bryan crotches Miz and Miz falls back in the tree of woe. Bryan with kicks to the chest and a depression dropkick. Bryan with a abdomen to back superplex off the tiptop turnbuckle to Miz! Miz kicks out the knee of Bryan and connects with a DDT for a close two count. Miz with kicks of his own. Bryan is leaning into the kicks and gets to his feet. Bryan with huge slaps to Miz and connects with a kick to the head. Miz launches Bryan into the steel ring post and connects with the Skull Crushing Finale. Bryan kicks out! Miz can't believe information technology. Bryan catches Miz with a kick to the caput as he charged in. Bryan with kicks to Miz on the band frock. Miz jumps downwards and Bryan ends up kick the steel ring post! Miz gets the Figure 4 locked in. Bryan is trying to plow Miz over to counter. Bryan with right hands. Bryan gets Miz turned over. Miz gets to the bottom rope. Bryan is dropping elbows over Miz. Bryan gets the Yes Lock applied. Miz is biting the arm of Bryan. Bryan with shots to the caput of Miz. Miz gets his mitt on the bottom rope. Bryan with a flying knee to Miz off the ring apron. Bryan with a jumping dropkick to Miz. Nosotros can see Maryse hand Miz something in his hand. Bryan kicks Miz into the barricade. Miz has something on his paw. Bryan with a dive attempt and Miz punches him in the face. Miz hooks the leg and gets the win over Bryan.

Winner: The Miz

A video package hypes Triple H vs. The Undertaker at Super Show-Down on October 6.

"The Demon" Finn Balor vs. Businesswoman Corbin

The Demon is in the house this evening at SummerSlam.


The bell rings every bit Balor dropkicks Corbin into the corner. Balor with a slingblade, knocks Corbin over the top rope and flips over the superlative taking out Corbin. Balor with another slingblade to Corbin on the outside and a second running dropkick. Dorsum inside, Balor keeps up the quick pace and connects with the Coup De Grace to get the pinfall.

Winner: "The Demon" Finn Balor

Backstage, Daniel Bryan is holding water ice on his head. Brie Bella walks up and Bryan says he isn't surprised Miz would do something similar that. Bryan says he didn't fight this hard to return to WWE to have someone like Miz shell him like that. Bryan is fired upwards.

WWE United States Championship
Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

Nakamura mocks Jeff early in the match. Jeff does Nakamura's crazy poses back to him. Jeff tosses Nakamura to the corners repeatedly confront showtime. Jeff eats a large articulatio genus to the jaw from Nakamura. Nakamura with a large kicking that lands flush on Hardy'south head. Nakamura with a running knee and and then drops a jumping articulatio genus over the back of the cervix. Nakamura works on the repaired shoulder of Hardy on the mat. Hardy with a modified slingblade. Nakamura with knees to the dorsum of Jeff against the ropes. Nakamura avoids a Twist of Fate effort, merely Hardy rebounds with a corner clothesline. Nakamura blocks a dropkick and props Hardy upwards on the turnbuckle. Hardy counters with an elbow and Whisper in the Wind. Nakamura with a kick that drops Hardy over the summit. Nakamura with his running loftier knee and and then follows information technology up with a sliding human knee for a ii count. Hardy avoids a low blow attempt by Nakamura. Hardy with a modified Twist of Fate into a sitdown stunner. Hardy goes upward summit and connects with the Swanton Flop over Nakamura. Nakamura grabs the bottom rope to interruption up the pinfall effort. Hardy with a second Twist of Fate planting Nakamura. Hardy is going up tiptop and Nakamura is rolling to the ring apron. Hardy with a Swanton Flop attempt, Nakamura moves and Hardy lands with a thud over the ring apron! Nakamura with charges and connects with Kinshasa to retain his title.

Winner and still WWE U.s.a. Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura

After the match, Randy Orton walks out and heads to the ring. Shinsuke Nakamura sees Orton coming and bails. Orton teases he was going into the band, but turns effectually and walks to the back. We meet Jeff Hardy getting to his feet to recover.

RAW Women'southward Championship
Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Ronda Rousey

Natalya is back tonight wearing her father's jacket from SummerSlam 1990.

Nosotros get ring introductions for the challenger Ronda Rousey and champion Alexa Bliss.

The bong rings and Bliss jumps dorsum up on the ropes to suspension it upward. Elation bails to another corner to slow things down. Rousey with a right hand that drops Bliss. Elation jumps out of the ring. Rousey is giving Elation her back and inviting her dorsum inside the ring. Bliss jumps in and takes the dorsum of Rousey. Rousey stands upwardly with Bliss on her back. Rousey tosses Elation to her shoulders and drops her downward with a thud. Elation rolls to the outside. Elation with a knee to Rousey when Rousey chases her dorsum inside the ring. Rousey with torso shots to Elation in the corner. Rousey with judo tosses. Rousey has Elation on her shoulders and drops her down once again over the mat quickly. Rousey has Elation in the armbar. Elation taps out.

Winner & new RAW Women'due south Champion: Ronda Rousey

Afterwards the lucifer, Ronda Rousey celebrates her title win with Natalya. The Bella Twins get inside the ring and also celebrate with Rousey. We and then see Rousey jump within the oversupply and cover her husband holding upwardly the RAW Women's Championship.

A commercial for Hell in a Jail cell on  September xvi airs.

WWE Universal Championship
Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns

We get ring introductions for the challenger Roman Reigns…and Paul Heyman takes over to innovate the reigning and defending Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar.

Here comes Braun Strowman!

Strowman enters the ring with his Money in the Bank briefcase in hand. He calls for a microphone. Strowman says anybody knows the history of this briefcase and he refuses to cash it in with his opponents back turned. "I am the monster among men and I practice things confront-to-face. So good luck to you Roman. And proficient luck to you to, beasty boy. Because I'grand gonna be standing right here this unabridged lucifer and I don't requite a damn who wins because at the end of the night, i of you 2 is gonna become…these…easily."

Strowman drops the mic and exits the band.

The bell rings and hither we go. Reigns with a Superman to Lesnar. Reigns with a second Superman. Reigns with a third Superman. Reigns with a spear to Lesnar! Reigns with a second spear that connects on Lesnar. Reigns backs up in the corner. Reigns charges and connects with a third spear. Lesnar has the guillotine asphyxiate practical on Reigns. Lesnar has it locked in tight. Reigns is standing upwards with Lesnar. Reigns drives Lesnar down with a spinebuster. Lesnar and Reigns are both downward in the center of the ring. Lesnar goes for the guillotine choke over again on Reigns and gets information technology locked in. Reigns breaks up the choke with a 2d spinebuster. Lesnar removes his gloves. Lesnar avoids a Superman effort and connects with a release german language suplex. Lesnar with a 2nd and tertiary german language suplex. A loud "You lot BOTH SUCK" chant starts up in Brooklyn. Lesnar has Reigns upwardly for an F5. Reigns counters, charges, Lesnar side steps him and Reigns takes out Strowman through the ropes at ringside. Lesnar with an F5 to Strowman on the floor! Lesnar is smiling. Lesnar tosses Reigns back inside. Lesnar grabs the briefcase and cracks it over the back of Strowman repeatedly. Lesnar throws the briefcase at the stage and grabs a steel chair. Lesnar cracks the steel chair over the back of Strowman a few times. Dorsum within, Reigns with a spear to Lesnar. Reigns hooks the leg and gets the pinfall!

Winner & new WWE Universal Champion: Roman Reigns

The show comes to a shut with Roman Reigns property upwards the championship.

Thank you for joining us this evening!

Quick Match Results:

* Seth Rollins def. Dolph Ziggler to get the new WWE Intercontinental Champion
* The New Day def. Smackdown Tag Squad Champions The Bludgeon Brothers via DQ
* Braun Strowman def. Kevin Owens
* Charlotte Flair def. Becky Lynch and Carmella to get the new Smackdown Women's Champion in a triple threat match
* Samoe Joe def. WWE Champion AJ Styles via DQ
* The Miz def. Daniel Bryan
* "The Demon" Finn Balor def. Businesswoman Corbin
* Shinsuke Nakamura def. Jeff Hardy to retain the WWE United States Title
* Ronda Rousey def. Alexa Elation to go the new RAW Women's Champion
* Roman Reigns def. Brock Lesnar to go the new WWE Universal Champion

Wrestleview.com will accept live coverage of SummerSlam tonight beginning at 7:00 PM ET (6:00 CT) forth with live thoughts on Twitter via @wrestleview.


Source: https://www.wrestleview.com/wwe-summerslam/112165-august-19-brooklyn-lesnar-reigns-universal-title/

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